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Deprecated: trim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /srv/www/vhosts/fkn-systems/public_html/projects/_fkn-urdb/fkn-urdb-lib.DEVELOP.php on line 80
18:18:14 +0100
FKN-Systems / URDB               

# this is a fkn-urdb test data for demonstation without editor component.
# this is an comment
 	 # this is an comment too

# ^^^ empty lines and comments will not read and parse

#- data structure are tripple desc:
##- subject : prädikat : object
##- subject : eigenschaft : eigenschaftswert
##- ressource : ressource : (resource|iteral)
##- resource can be text or (contain) URI, eg: foobar has [URI!isbn_931-3348...
##- literal eq char(with|without a type),eg: true|false, num, alnum, text, date, ...
##- text : text : text # comment, all alnum,caseinsensitive
#- inspired by: Resource Description Framework

#- an full sample:
Demo : is : demo

#- or with multilines:
Demo : is : an demo
is an demo with multible

#- for concat some date for one subject you can write this
Demo : 
	has : one
	has : two
	or has : for
	etc : datas

####  special keywords for 'prädikat':
##- USED == intern keyword. eg: system : used : <keyword>
##- IS == for declarations to add to __index__
#- set aliasses for access system_keys in other language:
ORIG_KEY : ALIAS : new_key
#- multi use:
ORIG_KEY : ALIAS : new_key,other_key key2| key3/key4
#- (!) remember! you should set aliasses only in one table (eg: _alias_ table) while aliases are overwriten from last definition!
##- UID == declare that this subjecte are an (unique) subject@uid
subjectname : UID : UID_as_var_char
#- this rewrite the subjectname to subject@uid and add some entrys to __index__ to solve links etc.
#- (!) remember! this KEYWORD must ever be the first 'prädikat' while this the subjectename rewrote else you get an broken concat
Mediapath : VARIABLE : ./medias
Demo : pictures : $MEDIAPATH$/pics/

#### special comands for 'object'
#- if jou need to mark an intern link in object-text use schema: foobar [URI!some text] foobar ...
Demo : foo : This is a Demonstration to use links in a objekt. This [URI!Demo] may be usefull to mark some [URI!demo] in text too.

#### DRAFT: VIEW ####
#- define a view for call view with name 'Adress View 01' to get an formated output on all defined <fields> with '+[(\n| |...)]' additional outputs if field not empty
#- maybe with aditionaly minlogig aka if/then == <postfach+[\n]|> === <fieldname+char's|or nothing>, <postfach+[\n]|street number>
Adress View 01 : is : view
	data : <anrede+[ ]><title+[ ]><vname> <nname>
<street> <number>
<plz> <ort>
#### /DRAFT: VIEW ####

#- if command RESORT given URDB will rewrote all date to defined filename.
#- So the System will automaticly summarize datas
#- !BUT! this is an big and very UGLY proccess, so the system will sort any person named Paul into the same file. And ir must rewrite the souces too to delete moved entrys.
Paul : is person
	RESORT : filename_paul
	nname : Panther
Paul : is person
	nname : Paula

#### DRAFT:  ####
#### /DRAFT:  ####