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Das FKN-Rezepte-Archiv

Das größte Archiv überwiegend deutschsprachiger Rezepte *

Viel aus de.rec.mampf und weiteren Quellen. Wer seine Sammlung einbringen möchte um zum Projekt beizutragen - oder als Backup - wendet sich per Email an uns. Viel Spass beim stöbern in den 207.208 Rezepten!

Geben Sie hier ein Stichwort ein, z.b. 'info', 'käse', 'lachs', 'info barsch'. (Reihenfolge beachten!).

Categories: Breads, Tex/mexican
Yield: 1 servings

(Two Dozen) To retain her dignity
This is the way Sra. Lute -during these cooking
-taught me to make -lessons, but often could
-tortillas...She insisted -not
That the damp towel (a Help herself, and collapsed
-paper towel works fine) -into the corner overcome
-was essential to keep the -with giggles,
Dough from drying out while Holding her hand over her
-you are working... -mouth to lessen the sound
The senora didn't believe -of her laughter...
-that I wanted to learn to 4 c Flour
-cook at first, but 2 t Salt
Soon warmed to the idea, 1/8 t Baking powder
-and taught me the way she Combine flour, salt and
-did things (which was -baking powder; stir well.
Plenty good enough for -Cut in shortening
-me)...she was a 60ish 2/3 c Shortening
-matron, who tried very hard 1 c Plus 3 T. hot tap water

with pastry blender (or with fingers, the way the senora did it),
until mixture resembles coarse meal. Gradually stir in water, mixing
well. Put an ungreased comal (griddle) or skillet over medium heat so
that the tortillas can be cooked as soon as they are rolled out.
Work quickly. Pinch off a chunk of dough and shape it into a
walnut-size ball; place in a bowl covered with a damp towel to keep
moist. Repeat until you have used all the dough. Roll each ball out
on a lightly floured surface into a very thin circle, or on your
first few hundred attempts, an amoeba shape. (The amoebas taste just
as good) Circles should be about 6 inches in diameter, but try for
thinness more than diameter. Place tortilla on hot skillet and cook
about two minutes on each side, until lightly brown. Serve hot.

Submitted By BILL JERNIGAN On 03-14-95

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*: Diese Seite kann Spuren von Nüssen und Meerestieren ** enthalten.

**: Wir haben nichts gegen Meerestiere und es mussten auch keine Meerestiere für diese Seite sterben oder leiden.***

***: Was auch so bleibt, solange sie nicht anfangen zu studieren, diese Seite besuchen und beim lesen der Rezepte auf die Idee kommen, sich zu Beschweren.

Wir entschluldigen uns bei allen Liebhabern von Meerestieren!

Womit wir natürlich niemendem etwas unterstellen wollen!

Ach, kocht doch einfach was ihr wollt! ...



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