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Title: La Peche Pumpkin Custard
Categories: Cheese/eggs, Dessert
Yield: 1 batch

3/4 c Plus 1/3 cup sugar; divided 2 ts Pumpkin pie spice
3 tb ;Boiling water 6 Eggs
1/3 c Cognac 8 oz Cream cheese; room temp.
-- preferably Courvoisier 2 c Half-and-half; scalded
1 c Cooked pumpkin; pureed 14 oz Sweetened condensed milk
-- (may use canned)

Heat oven to 350 F. Put a one-piece tube pan in the oven. (The pan
should not have a removable bottom. An ideal measure is 9" across
the bottom and 10" across the top.)

Put 3/4 cup sugar into a skillet over low heat until it melts and
turns brown. Once the sugar is melted, carefully add boiling water
and stir to dissolve the sugar. Pour into heated tube pan. Holding
pan with potholders, tilt it to coat bottom and sides, then set aside.

Thoroughly mix remaining 1/3 cup sugar with remaining ingredients.
Beat until smooth. Pour into prepared pan. Set in a pan of hot
water that comes about halfway up the sides. Bake for 1 hour, cool
and refrigerate overnight.

Loosen edges with the tip of a small knife. Dip bottom of pan only
into warm water briefly to loosen caramel. Invert onto rimmed
serving dish. Serve in slices. If desired, serve with whipped cream
that's flavored with vanilla and sweetened with powdered sugar.

Yield: 12 or more servings.

From Food Editor Sarah Fritschner's 10/19/94 "Pumpkins: Beyond Pie"
article in "The (Louisville, KY) Courier-Journal." Pg. C4. Posted
by Cathy Harned.
Submitted By CATHY HARNED On 10-24-94

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*: Diese Seite kann Spuren von Nüssen und Meerestieren ** enthalten.

**: Wir haben nichts gegen Meerestiere und es mussten auch keine Meerestiere für diese Seite sterben oder leiden.***

***: Was auch so bleibt, solange sie nicht anfangen zu studieren, diese Seite besuchen und beim lesen der Rezepte auf die Idee kommen, sich zu Beschweren.

Wir entschluldigen uns bei allen Liebhabern von Meerestieren!

Womit wir natürlich niemendem etwas unterstellen wollen!

Ach, kocht doch einfach was ihr wollt! ...



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