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Title: Icelandic Snowflake Breads (Laufabraud)
Categories: Breads, Ethnic
Yield: 6 servings

4 c All purpose flour
-- 1 tb Melted butter
1 ts Baking powder
-- 2 c Milk, heated to boiling
1 tb Sugar

hot fat for frying powdered sugar (optional)

In a bowl, combine flour, baking powder and sugar. Mix in the butter
and hot milk until a stiff dough is formed. Turn out onto a lightly
oiled surface and knead until smooth and cooled. Divide dough into four
parts. Shape each into a ball. Divide each into 4 parts to make 16,
then divide each of the resulting balls into 2 parts to total 32.

Cover baking sheets with waxed paper and dust the waxed paper lightly
with flour.

On a lightly floured surface, roll out each part of dough to make a thin
round about 8 inches in diameter. Place the rounds on the floured waxed
paper. Chill 30 minutes.

In a skillet, heat 2 inches of fat to 375 to 400 degrees F. Vegetable
shortening or corn or peanut oil may be used but the authentic fat is

Fold gthe dough rounds, one at the time, into quarters, and, with a
sharp-tipped knife, make little cuts and cut-outs in the dough. Fry the
bread rounds, until golden brown, about 1 minute on each side. Remove
and drain on paper toweling. Store in an airtight container in a cool
place or in the freezer until ready to serve.

From: THE GREAT SCANDINAVIAN BAKING BOOK by Beatrice Ojakangas, Little,
Brown, and Company, Boston. 1988. Shared by: Karin Brewer, Cooking
Echo, 6/93

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Wir entschluldigen uns bei allen Liebhabern von Meerestieren!

Womit wir natürlich niemendem etwas unterstellen wollen!

Ach, kocht doch einfach was ihr wollt! ...



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